Why Advocacy?

All students should have equitable access to a high-quality public education that allows them to fulfill their unique potential, and parents should have the right to decide which public school will best serve the individual needs of their children, whether that be a district, vocational, or charter public school. We advocate to advance policies that improve the quality of public education across Massachusetts, including in charter public schools.

Mcpsa works towards

Fair and Adequate Resources

Charter public schools will have equitable access to adequate funding, facilities, and other necessary resources.

Empowered Accountability

Charter public schools will have autonomy and flexibility in decision-making and will in turn be held to the highest standards of accountability.

Access to Quality Schools

High-quality charter public schools will grow to meet the needs of the Commonwealth’s students and families seeking public education alternatives.

Racial Justice and Equity

Charter public schools will work to advance racial justice and equity in our classrooms and communities.

MCPSA Legislative Priorities

MCPSA works in partnership with peers to advance policies that create a stronger K-12 public education system. We helped advance passage of the Student Opportunity Act, Universal School Meals, and policies to strengthen access to high-quality early education and care.

Every child in Massachusetts deserves equitable educational resources regardless of their public school model, including funding to construct and maintain safe facilities needed that support a well-rounded education.

Research shows that students benefit academically, socially, and emotionally when taught by diverse educators. The Educator Diversity Act will support the recruitment and retention of diverse educators, helping create more equitable and affirming educational environments for all.